Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Good Morning, Honey"

Ever wake up in the morning, bright sunny day, smell the coffee brewing, look outside and the sun is shining, birds chirping and think...."man, what a beautiful day"!! Then it comes the love of your life, walking into the kitchen, scratching and adjusting himself as he reaches into the cabinet to grab a bowl for some cereal. Gets his cereal together, sits at the table and starts to fill every crevice of his mouth with as many cheerios that will possible fit, milk dripping down his face and he looks up at you and smiles.....thats when it happens...that noise..the chewing...the think "is this REALLY the man I love"????? HELP!!!! You find yourself hating every chew he makes!!!! Thats what this site is all about....share your stories about "the love of your life" with other women who at moments in their life.....HATE THE WAY HE BREATHS!!!!!